Wednesday, April 30, 2014


New Sports are created in Waknuk
The kids in Waknuk have created a new sport called Ballkick. This is a new sport that has been brought into Waknuk. Ballkick involves 15 players and one ball. The objective of the game is to kick the ball into the other teams’ goal represented by two stick stuck into the ground. The rules of Ballkick are that players are also only allowed to use their feet. If they use their hand, they will be punished or removed out of the game. Not only has this newly invented game caught the attention of the kids but also of the teens and adults
Ballkick is a very fun game, but some people take it very seriously. Among the adults that play Ballkick, some cheat and make it unfair for other players. For some people this makes the game more interesting. We asked some players why they like Ballkick so much, most of them replied saying it was a good way to relieve stress. Then we asked some kids how this game was created, they said it was deviants that made this game. Obviously the kids were joking.
There was also another sport that was made called Disc. Disc is a similar to Ballkick in many ways. In Disc they use their hands to pass around a disc instead of using their feet to kick a ball around. Disc is more popular amongst the teens of Wuknuk. The rules of disc are that only 5 players are allowed on the field at one time, also while having the disc in hand players cannot move they can only pass. The goal of the game is to get the disc to the end zone of the other team.
The two newly invented sports have helped Waknuk through troubling times. We hope that more sport will be invented. Ballkick and Disc are very fun sports that are keeping our younger generation health. Sports are a big part of any community and Waknuk seems to be leading the charge in Sports.

A New Festival arrives in Waknuk
Today it has been announced that there will be a new festival coming to Waknuk. The Festival is called Chrysalis. This festival is to honor our community and our race. During the festival there will be many games and a lot of food too. Some main attractions of the festival will be the play “Tribulation” which is about the struggles of a family after Tribulation. Another sight you cannot miss is the burning of impure deviations.
There will be a lot of delicious food at the festival an example is Mrs Hurgen’s sweet delicious pie. Not only pie but corn on a cob and a lot of other festival types of foods will be there. There will also be eating contests that people can enter for a small fee.
There will also be many games and competitions at the festival, such as the pillow sack race, and a pie eating contest. The winner of the pillow sack race gets a weeks’ worth of pie, and the winner of the pie eating contest gets two pillow sacks. There will also be many more competitions and games at the festival
So far the festival sounds great but it gets better with singing and dancing. At midnight, there will be dancing and singing at the center of the festival. Hopefully many people will come and listen to some music and dance with that special someone.
The festival sound like a lot of fun and no one should miss out. Although it will be very fun, we must not forget the true reason of the festival. Which is to remind us how lucky we are to be pure.

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